Mon - Fri : 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Extra Promotional Support Notice

January 11, 2021

                                                                               Extra Promotional Support Notice

Dear friend,
Good day
I hope you have resumed your work from new year holiday of 2021.
As a Chinese saying goes, The plan of the new year starts from Spring. I am sure you have made good plan for your business especially printer&copier consumable business in 2021.We'd be happy to cooperate with you and support you to achieve your target if you can share with us the following information of your Great Plan,
A) Annual budget and sales target  for printer&copier consumables as well printers in 2021,
B)  Marketing strategy  for 2021;
C)  Any supports you may need from us to help you achieve your sales target.
We will offer EXTRA supprising promotional supports to the first 30 customers who may share the above information one by one  with us by Jan 20,2021. You will be happy with the supports and we will not let you down.
Being as serious and professional manufacturer of printer and copier consumables, printers of our own brand,  and supplier of related products,we are 100% sure iColor will be your ideal partner in China  in this line of business

                                                                                                                                                                                         Icolor Printer and Copier Consumables Co.,Limited
                                                                       January 10,2021