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What are the places to pay attention to buying inkjet printing consumables?

September 26, 2022

What are the places to pay attention to buying inkjet printing consumables?

A friend asked: What is the experience of buying inferior printing consumables?
Powder, cardboard, poor printing quality, blocked print head, printed head damage, reducing printer life, equipment scrap ...

We mainly start from the following aspects:
1. Print consumable price

Some printed consumables are much cheaper than the market. It is often some illegal businesses that fake counterfeit consumables that are faked through various technical means. The sources of these counterfeit consumables are basically recycling products. Such products have no guarantee in printing quality and after -sales.

Countermeasures: Choose the right choice, choose the right price.
It can choose a regular general consumable brand product, which is far lower than the original, and has the quality advantage that can comparable to the original consumables.

2. Print effect quality

In the short term, there may be a ultra -low -priced consumable that may have no problems in printing effects. After long -term use, it may occur in color and printed documents.

Countermeasure: The printing effect of the original printing consumables is good. However, from the perspective of cost -effectiveness, in terms of printing effects, the gap between the consumables and original consumables of regular general consumables. Therefore, there is no need to be flickered to buy the original printing consumables.

3. Consumption brand

 Some inferior consumables themselves and selection of materials themselves may cause certain damage to the copy and output procedures. Severe even leads to internal failure and reduce the service life of a copy. During the purchase of a copy of the copy, it is critical to see the brand.

     Countermeasure: Choose a brand of consumables, which can be saved in the process of use. When selecting, the domestic formal consumable brand avoids some consumables that are not well -known and do not guarantee the production of small workshops.

4. After -sales service

Consumption is a consumables. It is common for users with companies or some users with large prints and copies. Therefore, sometimes it is encountered by some reasons for the use of the consumables itself or operation, which causes occasional failures such as blocking and printing. Generally, users will help manufacturers' after -sales and technical support, so perfect after -sales service is important.

Countermeasure: Knowing what the universal consumable manufacturers you buy are in the after -sales service, such as whether there are special after -sales service centers, whether there are after -sales service calls, and not providing on -site maintenance services. Choose consumable brands that have a reputation and provide after -sales protection. If you encounter a problem with printer consumables, you can save you money.